Torstaina 16.12.2010 klo 18.00 FinNode projektin Social eLearning webinaari
Tervetuloa mukaan torstaina 16.12.2010 klo 18.00 – 19.15 järjestettävään webinaariin, jossa kalifornialaisen ja suomalaisen koulun rehtorit käyvät keskustelua virtuaaliopetuksen ja sosiaalisen median mahdollisuuksista opetuksessa. Mukana keskustelussa ovat myös yritysyhteistyökumppanit, joiden kanssa virtuaalisia työkaluja yhdessä kehitetään sopiviksi oppimisprosessiin. (Lisätietoa FinNodesta
Implementing the Virtual Social Learning Community: lessons learned from the US and Finland
School leaders from the US and Finland will share best practices on their successful virtual learning communities and how it is transforming their already successful schools into learning environments that open the world to their students outside the school walls.
Moderator: Suzie Boss, Education Writer, Co-author of Reinventing Project-Based Learning: Your Field Guide to Real-World Projects in the Digital Age
1)Chris Walsh, Director of Innovation and Design, New Tech Network, Napa, CA
2)Riitta Rekiranta, Principal, Kasavuoren school, Kauniainen, Finland (Dream School project)
3)Mikko Soikkeli, Account Director, Opinsys, Finland
During this webinar, school leaders from the US and Finland will discuss how they transferred their successful learning environments in their school to their virtual social learning environments and how it is transforming their already successful schools. Topics will include:
- Schools’ pedagogical beliefs and approaches
- Designing, implementing and adding value through effective virtual social learning communities
- Extending the pedagogical model outside the school walls through the virtual social learning community
- Funding models for virtual social learning communities
The school leaders will share their current virtual social learning platforms, their future plans, and discuss the barriers they face in implementing their vision. The speakers will also compare and contrast the differences they observe between Finnish and American approaches, constraints, and solutions.
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