MTOM tekstilogo 2015 vuosiluvulla

Digital Competence and Learning osana Mindtrek Openmind 2015 -konferenssia

Digital Competence and Learning toteutetaan tänä vuonna osana Mindtrek Openmind 2015 -konferenssia. Suomen eOppimiskeskus ry:n jäsenten on mahdollista osallistua tapahtumaan edulliseen jäsenhintaan. Kysy lisää: [email protected]

MTOM tekstilogo 2015 vuosiluvulla

International three-day forum about the future of open source, open data and open content
September 22nd to 24th
Solo Sokos Hotel Torni
Tampere, Finland

Mindtrek Openmind brings together open-like-minded people from all over the world. Three days of intensive talks, workshops and parties about the trends of tomorrow in open source, open data and open content. Mindtrek Openmind brings together an international blend of top industry professionals, entrepreneurs and creative people. Dare to share your ideas and change your perspective in Mindtrek Openmind 2015.

Digital Competence and Learning -osiossa mukana:

  • Terhi Mäkelä, Mia Norhomaa: Workforce of the Future
  • Elina Marttinen: Case TeliaSonera
  • Eva Tuominen: Future Trends of Digitalisation in HR
  • Eric Rousselle: Open Badges – An Open Standard to Recognize, Verify and Celebrate Learning
  • Tobias Ley: Scaling Informal Learning – Designing Tools and an Infrastructure for Workplace Learning
