The Adaptable Learning Paths project develops practical means and models to help young people in transition phases find their way forward. The project idea involves support throughout studies and the gathering of knowledge. The models created in the project help young people grow and take control of their progress in education as well as in working life.
Guidance methods for the transition points between stages of school have been under development for a long time. Attention has been paid to how educational structures and guidance staff can support students. Tutoring and alumni support are frequently used. To complement the current support systems in e.g., we now need to develop end-user driven methods – i.e. methods driven by young people themselves.
New technologies allow the development of such methods. We can construct functionalities to boost the process by using learners’ digital footprints in various educational institutions’ systems. Through learning analytics, we can make use of learners’ digital footprints in e.g. anticipating support needs, clarifying gender differences and improving the competences of special needs groups such as disabled people.
Technology already allows us to design various forms of support so that they interest and motivate young people. Personal study plans become illustrative, easily understandable and operable personal learning management tools. Digital technologies and methods, such as we find in ePerusteet (”eFundamentals”), and e-portfolios in various educational institutions, can be packaged into a dynamic whole that helps young people manage their learning. We also aim to clarify the interrelation of studies and career paths.
The identification and recognition of learning make studies more fluent on the system level. Learning identification models and services such as allow learners to set clearer goals for themselves and to improve their skills; thereby they also improve their possibilities of acquiring employment as well as further skills. It is important that young people find their strengths themselves. In order to boost learners’ self-images and their developing professional identities, technical tools must be supported by human interaction. Peer working methods offer excellent help for this through young people’s networking, forming a foundation for the clarification of their goals and the formation of their professional identities.
Digital functionalities help us spread the project outcomes widely in a cost-effective and ecological manner. Community-based work methods, openness and the active participation of young people in all phases of the project will help us reach our social sustainable-development goals.
The project network
- The Association of Finnish eLearning Centre (coordinator)
- Otava Folk High School
- Omnia – the Joint Authority of Education in the Espoo Region
- Educational Association of Citizens’ Forum
- HAMK University of Applied Sciences
- Centre for Open Systems and Solutions COSS
- Tavastia Education Consortium
- Lapland University of Applied Sciences