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Digikilta is a network project for developing digital learning environments in early childhood and basic education. The development is guided by research knowledge, which is utilized in thematic workshops and webinars. The knowledge collected in the project is published in an open knowledge bank.

StudentAgent network

We are involved in facilitating the national StudentAgent network. The network is operated by a project coordinated by the city of Kangasala.

Finnish networks

Open Knowledge Finland

Open Knowledge Finland promotes open data, the utilization of open knowledge, and the development of an open society in Finland.

COSS – the Finnish Centre for Open Systems and Solutions

The Association of Finnish eLearning Centre is a member of COSS – the Finnish Centre for Open Systems and Solutions. COSS is a non-profit association that promotes open source, open data, open standards and APIs.

COSS is also a member of the Association of Finnish eLearning Centre.

TIEKE The Finnish Information Society Development Centre

The Association of Finnish eLearning Centre is a member of TIEKE The Finnish Information Society Development Centre. TIEKE develops Finland as an information society in which everyone enjoys a good life.

TIEKE is also a member of the Association of Finnish eLearning Centre.

International networks

EDEN Digital Learning Europe

EDEN Digital Learning Europe is a European network that promotes distance and online learning, provides diverse expertise, and fosters networking, international collaboration, and professional development.

NordFlexOn logo, jossa punainen N-symboli ja teksti NordFlexOn sinisellä


NordFlexOn is a Nordic network for promoting open, flexible, and distance learning.

European Digital Education Hub

An open community that brings together stakeholders in digital education from Europe and beyond.