The main objective of the Learning circles in libraries project is to improve and extend the complexity and efficiency of educational opportunities for adult learners, through facilitated access to the useful content online, effective studies and improvement their lifelong learning skills.
To do so, the adult learners will develop their skills, being an active part of supportive learning environment – called a learning circle.
The learning circle is a small learning community facilitated by a librarian or such. The free, online courses used in the learning circles are to support the digital literacy, and job/academic skills. This methodology was designed to alleviate many of the issues that learners face with online courses, including a lack of motivation, digital barriers, and isolation.
The concept of learning circle was created by Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU) – within this project, the EU adult education stakeholders consortium is willing to adapt the P2PU methodology and tools for participation in learning, as well as to equip them with some new components reflecting country-specific issues and transnational common challenges that we are facing.
Learning Circles in Libraries is a three year project funded by Erasmus+ program. The project was lauched in September 2018 and it will continue until august 2021. The project consortium is coordinated by The Information Society Development Foundation, FRSI (Poland). Other partners include Finnish eLearning Centre (Finland), Cologne City Library (Germany), Progress Foundation (Romania), Braga City Library (Portugal) and Peer 2 Peer University (USA).
How to use online meetings in Learning Circles (pdf), 2021
Real Opportunities for Adult Online Education – The White Paper (pdf), 2019
More information
Piia Keihäs
[email protected]
Magdalena Jackiewicz
Project Coordinator
Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Informacyjnego
[email protected]